Monday, September 12, 2005

Futility Breeds Apathy

Whether one supports the Bush Administration or not one thing is clear: However the president and his cronies choose to behave, there's little or nothing we can do about it. He's not getting impeached unless rock solid evidence is provided for his many "snafus", and the administration is working hard to limit access to information that could help critics of the government (aka Patriots). His poll numbers are abysmally low, but that doesn't mean squat. He still has three years left in his term. How the public currently feels about him is irrelevent. If we're lucky he'll come back from one of his many vacations as a new man --a real leader, determined to do the right thing-- but what are the chances of that? Slim to none, and slim may have just skipped town.

It's no wonder so few people take the time to involve themselves in the political process. Most of the time it feels like a losing battle.


At September 12, 2005 9:22 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Hey Smorg!

But never give up. Also, who knows, there is hope for anyone!

Glad you're back and posting.


At September 12, 2005 9:29 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Oh, another thing this article brings to mind...

Benjamin Franklin stated that those who would trade freedom for safety were deserving of neither. I believe that.


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