Monday, August 29, 2005

Belichick on Bush (Actually Brady)

"I think preparation has a lot to do with good decision making. That's one of the things we harp on from a team standpoint, and I think Tom [Brady] is a good example of it. The better prepared you are then the more likely you are to make the right decision, and make it quickly."

- Bill Belichick

Wise words, Bill. We've had a good amount of comments back and forth about the war in Iraq on this blog. I find that many times when I bring up the now refuted reasons for going to war some people either think it's old news and doesn't matter anymore or they actually try to defend them, as if they aren't false. Whether or not Bush outright lied is debatable - we'll never know his true intentions - but it's pretty clear he "mislead" us. Perhaps he was "misled" himself, but if he ever picked up a newspaper, read a book, or concerned himself with the details of his decisions (aka preparation) the state of the nation right now might be vastly different.


At August 30, 2005 7:46 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Hi Smorg,

I published this list of links for anyone interested in formulating an informed opinion about the war. Keep in mind that I still maintain a neutral position on it, but being all about fair shakes and abhoring false accusations I offered this short list of links for people to read if they wanted to comment about the war. There are many more links that can be provided. These are not from "conservative" or "neo con" rags.,6903,591439,00.html,,4296646,00.html

If one reads through these links and maintains a "Bush lied" or "Bush misled" position, then I have a little difficulty with their objectivity. Let me know what you think.


At August 31, 2005 10:06 AM, Blogger Smorgasbord said...

Well, I guess I do still maintain a "Bush misled" position. I don't think it was necessarily intentional, but... well, just read my comment on A Long Road to Hoe

At August 31, 2005 3:23 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Realize there were a lot of links there, Smorg. When you have time check them out.


At September 01, 2005 8:56 AM, Blogger Smorgasbord said...

I checked them out. Admittedly, I didn't read 100% of all of them but I got the idea.

The more I get my ideas around and the more I hear other people's views I find I'm more "center" than I thought I was. I used to consider myself a nut-job lefty but now I'm seeing that's not the case.

I still believe the Bush administration "misled". I think they already had their minds made up before hand, and I'm sure you know that if you attempt to perform serious research with your mind already made up then you're not doing research at all. You're just looking for any excuse to justify your position. That's why we rushed to war.

At September 01, 2005 10:43 AM, Blogger Jack Mercer said...

It could very well be the case, Smorg. But I guess where I come from is that I don't know, and am a little unwilling to jump to conclusions without complete data. (Lord knows I have done that enough to end up eating crow--have eaten a LOT of crow in my life to earn a dislike for it:)

Good to talk to you,



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