Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Checking In...

Just because it's a few days old now I wanted to make sure people read this article over at NeoLibs. It's a sort of long piece by our friend Jack with a few comments including a sort of long one by me.

Chime in if you'd like.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Hello Goodbye

We've had many discussions on this site, at NeoLibs, and at News Snippets about our wondrous president. Here's an observation:

He's floundering. Sunday's break into Family Guy was the final straw for me. He needn't interrupt my programs with his lame excuses and faint reassurances that everything will be fine in Iraq and with this doomed war on terror. As I've said before, the best case scenario is a good one: stability and democracy in Iraq. I hope beyond hope that we get there - I'm with the president on that one. It speaks volumes, however, that despite the fact he can't run for re-election he is trying this hard to get public buy in (three years later!). In fact, we could sensibly conclude that he's probably trying to reestablish credibility within his own party. As we've discussed in the past, Republicans are no longer the party of conservatives. They are, in general, just as corrupt and misguided as anyone and both sides of the fence are seeing it now. It's almost as if the most divisive president in recent history is ironically creating solidarity through his ineptitude. Kudos to you, Mr. Bush, for getting Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives to agree on something: you're bad for the country. Now please resign Nixon style so we can get on with our lives.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Day After Yesterday

Let's have this discussion over at NeoLibs, shall we?