Thursday, January 26, 2006

Break Time

Most of my posts on this humble blog have been sort of large scope, philosophical themed ones. They have addressed my general feelings toward general political subjects. It's been helpful to have some feedback and kick around ideas about ideals.

Lately, however, I have been feeling a need to get more "down and dirty" - to talk about specifics and make suggestions for tangible results. Results, after all, are what it's all about.

Sticking to specifics and tangibles requires thoughtful research and serious time spent on analysis. These things, unfortunately, don't usually make for entertaining blogging. Never the less, this is the direction I would like to concentrate my efforts. I would like to transition from "talking" to "doing", but I need to first know what it is I really want to accomplish.

I am saying basically that I am going to stop updating this blog. Probably not forever, but most likely for quite some time. I am going to develop specific plans for improving specific areas that I feel need improvement in our world. When I have enough ideas to run past you, I'll return and post them for scrutiny and debate.

Until then, thank you for reading.



At February 19, 2006 9:40 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said...

Hi Smorg,

Didn't know you were back to posting. Will be back for commenting.


At February 28, 2006 5:16 PM, Blogger Jack Mercer said...


Have given considerable thought to what you say. Much of the world we live in deals in processes rather than results. I think this goes back to what Tytler indicated about society, is that when we are building we concern ourselves with results, when in decline we worry ourselves with process.

I truly look forward to your thoughts concerning the future. I know that they will be both thoughtful and educational.



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